Kämp Club Personal Trainer


The Personal Training services at Kämp Spa include the access to the sauna department, where you will be pampered at either the traditional Finnish sauna or the eucalyptus-scented steam bath. In the dressing room, all necessities are provided: bathrobe, towels, and slippers, in order to ensure a wholesome relaxation experience for you. Welcome to work with our top coaches while enjoying the luxury that Kämp Spa has to offer!

Book a Personal Training session via info@kampspa.fi or at tel: (09) 5761 1330.

Please note that there will be 45 € entrance fee to gym and sauna area if there is no Kämp Club Membership or an overnight stay at hotel Kämp.

Personal Training

60 min

Training is much easier with the help of the professional. From learning a new move to refining a technique and fixing the body form, an individual meeting with our dedicated Personal Trainers will assist you in achieving your goals faster while ensuring all of your requirements are met.

1 time   135 €
5 times   625 € (125 €/time)
10 times 1150 € (115 €/time)

PT Duo - Training with a friend

60 min

1 time    200 € (100 €/time/person)
5 times    900  € (90 €/time/person)
10 times 1600 € (80 €/time/person)

Fitness Program Upgrade

45 € / 30 min

After getting familiarized with normal exercises, your body and muscles require new stimuli. Kämp Club's coaches will assist you in adding new challenges and upgrade your training plan with more potent and effective tools to match your development progress.

Diet Consultation

230 €

The service offers two appointments with Kämp Club's trainers in order to help you design a healthy and suitable diet plan. The first 30-minute meeting allows you to express your goals and wishes, getting professional instructions on how to prepare and maintain your meal plan thereafter. At the second meeting, our trainers will review, analyze, and make necessary changes to your diet to give the right boost to your performance.

Firstbeat 3-Day Measurement and Well-being Analysis

180 €

The Firstbeat Program can measure the level of stress, recovery efficiency, and energy consumption of your body. In addition, it will also study the impacts of exercises, workload, and lifestyle, thus enabling us to discover possible health-risks, such as diabetes, at an early stage.


Feel free to utilize the expertise of top coaches by inquiring about exercise and wellness.

Book an appointment for a Personal Training session at Kämp Spa via email info@kampspa.fi or call us at (09) 5761 1330.

Suvi Martti

Experiences: Gym Instructor, Personal Trainer

Specialties: beginners gym training, HIIT training

Motto: Life moves on when you seize your opportunities.

Mobile number: 045 7870 2104 

Oskar Gruner

Qualifications:  Physiotherapist (AMK) and Personal trainer (FAF)

Specialties: Observation and Rehabilitation of muscular deformity, rigorous training 

Mobile number: 040 5184 757

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